Sporting Dogs
Sporting Dogs Chairperson: Rod Inman
Training calendar:
The GCF&G Sporting Dogs will meet once a month, March through August, for training and twice per month September and October. All training will end on the Monday of the last week in October. Dates and time of training days can be found on the GCF&G website calendar. No training during any club sanctioned Hunting Season.
Training Area:
The training area for live training events would be field 2. (See map for location) The area designated for the training grounds will be the field area and will not include any wooded areas. Additional Field’s may be used occasionally for scent training only. Since these fields will be used for sent training only and never for live fire, there are not required to be posted as in field 2. All CRP activities for GCF&G will not be impacted during the training period.
Training rules:
All members are required to read and understand the GCF&G ground rules.
All members must follow the commands of the Field Marshal (FM).
All dogs must remain on leash or in a crate until called by the FM.
All dog handlers not working must remain in the designated spectator area.
During any live fire events all firearms must be unloaded and cased until called for training by the FM.
Any unsafe act may result in a disqualification for that training session.
The GCF&G Sporting Dogs program will follow ODNR Rule 1501:31-31-01 in its entirety